Many stakeholders in South L.A. are excited about getting more trees in the ground, but new research from USC highlights residents’ views on where and how that should happen.
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Lawmakers say that seven people living near the landfill have developed cancer in the past six years.
A sunny, warmer weekend is in the forecast.
We rode along on a recent aerial spraying treatment in El Monte to get a sense of how officials are responding to the local outbreak in the San Gabriel Valley.
Today will be a few degrees cooler than yesterday.
It's finally sweater weather.
Over 4,500 square miles of ocean will be protected off the California coast. It will also be managed in partnership with the Indigenous groups that fought to create it.
The spill closed nearby beaches and harbors, and prompted the controversial cancellation of the city's annual airshow.
It's finally sweater weather.
As Southern California farmers conserve a lot more water, the Salton Sea is drying up faster.
New research shows that the patterns of Earth’s high winds have led to serious problems on the ground.
Azolla is a nutritious aquatic fern that grows like crazy. New research finds that the cyanobacteria within the plant are nontoxic, potentially clearing the way for Azolla to become a novel food.
Beachgoers in Newport Beach reported seeing the glowing waves throughout the night Saturday into early Sunday morning.
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