A UCLA legal clinic is helping tribes rewrite constitutions, protect intellectual property, and improve domestic violence ordinances.
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Native American youths have driven civic engagement during recent elections.
The university is seeing health center needs increase and is using the peer ambassadors to tell students what’s available.
Los Angeles County mistakenly included two school bond measures on ballots bound for Santa Monica and Malibu, when each city should only have one.
Most higher education in California pays off, new research found — but 112 programs had no economic return on investment.
Superintendent Alberto Carvalho says the district has heard growing concern from staff, students and their families about the outcome of the presidential election.
The lawsuit alleges UC discriminated against undocumented students by denying them opportunities open to other students.
This guide is for parents and families that want to better understand the condition of their child’s school — and how to advocate to get it fixed.
St. Genevieve Parish Schools has a decades-long relationship with the Carters and shared a special birthday message.
An estimated 1 in 5 schools has no air conditioning and another 10% need repair.
The state agency that paid tuition for 31 students in an California State University, Dominguez Hills program says it may have made a mistake.
Starting in October, borrowers with delinquent payments or defaulted loans will be at risk once again of consequences.
Legal scholars are questioning the path the governor suggested could pave the way for college students who are undocumented.
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