Mortgage rates have jumped, despite the Federal Reserve cut interest rates by a half-point last month. For homebuyers, the ever-shifting rate environment can foster uncertainty: Is it better to wait for mortgage rates to fall, or start looking now?
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A judge ordered the school, along with other tenants on the West L.A. Veterans’ Affairs campus, to increase its commitments to supporting veterans or face eviction.
One LAist reader responded to the latest story in our ongoing Andrew Do investigation by asking, "Which is more disgusting: the [alleged] fraud or the fact that a starter home is costing 1 million these days?"
The “Builder’s Remedy” is coming to Norwalk after the city defied state officials and extended a ban on homeless shelters.
Audit comes out of settlement between L.A. and group that sued over how public funds are used to manage homelessness.
Homeless service providers are scaling back and taking out loans as they wait for late payments from the government.
New rules will have to be approved by L.A. City Council members by February as the city faces a mandate to plan for more than 450,000 new homes by 2029. Areas of the city zoned for single-family homes are in hot pink.
The city’s attempt to retroactively block low-income apartments in a single-family neighborhood was illegal, according to a new ruling.
The shelters would be available 24/7 to protect unhoused people from heat waves, dry summers, and other extreme weather conditions.
New rules will have to be approved by L.A. City Council members by February as the city faces a mandate to plan for more than 450,000 new homes by 2029.
Gov. Gavin Newsom has fallen short on a similar campaign promise in California. What lessons can Harris learn?
Judge David O. Carter called the plan UCLA brought back to him Wednesday night "inadequate." The fate of the Brentwood School and other VA campus leaseholders is still to come.
Tenant advocates say giving renters 10 days to respond to eviction notices, up from 5, will help those who live in rural areas and have trouble finding legal help. Some landlords argue it will increase their costs.
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