Many stakeholders in South L.A. are excited about getting more trees in the ground, but new research from USC highlights residents’ views on where and how that should happen.
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The West Coast is actually a prime viewing site — once you get away from all the light pollution.
A dense fog advisory is in effect until 9 a.m.
- wants to arm people with the data they need to engage with climate issues.
Foggy mornings, warm days ahead.
It’s not “May Gray” or “June Gloom,” but an extended period of high pressure is causing similar conditions.
Foggy mornings, warm days ahead.
Apartment owners can apply for the first phase of rebates, and the second phase for single-family homeowners will open in coming weeks.
Some waste piles seen were three stories tall. Supervisor Kathryn Barger says stricter regulations and penalties are needed.
A dense fog advisory is in effect until 9 a.m.
Planet-heating and health-harming pollution is down, according to the latest data.
We're at the end of this early October heatwave.
The issue has stirred enough concern to capture the attention of Gov. Gavin Newsom, who has announced a multi-agency effort focused on lithium battery safety and first responder training.
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