Some 2,400 Kaiser mental health workers say they’re ready to start picketing on Monday.
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Liz Chrastil, a neuroscientist at UC Irvine, opted to have her brain scanned every few weeks during her entire pregnancy to see what changes occur. It’s the closest look yet and researchers call the data astounding.
The tests, which will detect newer COVID-19 variants, will be good for use until the end of the year.
There are a few things that could be contributing to the two-fold increase.
Seven new dairy farms are under quarantine in the Central Valley.
A UCLA-led study found Chinese Angelenos had higher mortality rates from heart disease.
Public health officials warned that this is unprecedented for L.A. County, but there’s no need to panic.
Only two state university programs train nurse-midwives, and only one is accepting admissions. Advocates say that will only lead to more barriers to getting more midwives into the workforce at a time they’re critically needed.
California is bringing back a program that will cover the costs.
The public health department says the risk is still very low, but they’re urging the public to steer clear of raccoons for now.
An upcoming Apple software update will allow some AirPods to double as over-the-counter hearing aids. Only 1 in 6 American adults with hearing loss wears hearing aids.
Parts of the Southland are experiencing poor air quality because of raging wildfires. Long-term exposure could negatively affect your health.
In 2022, nearly 900 hundred county residents died by suicide. Here's a look at what's being done to reverse those numbers, and how you can help.
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