As the nation reckons with systemic racism, our community-centered storytelling show Unheard LA is taking a deeper listen.
Unheard LA was built on a simple premise: that while many stories go untold, even more go unheard. Now we’re doubling down on listening. Please join us for a special virtual edition of the series produced by KPCC/LAist.
Reflections on the ways in which racism has shaped lives and experiences in Southern California have been a signature part of Unheard LA since our very first show, back in 2017. And these stories are worth a second and deeper listen. That’s why we’re presenting a series of curated virtual shows, hosted by Bruce Lemon Jr., and featuring stories and live conversations with participants — all in collaboration with our newroom's Race In LA initiative.
Today we’ll put the stories of Candace Nicholas-Lippman, Dante Mitchell, and Janae Williams center stage once again (this time virtually) as they share their personal and authentic accounts of life here in Southern California. Dana Amihere, co-editor and developer of Race In LA, will also join us for a live conversation.
Watch and engage with us live right here, at the top of this page at 6 p.m. You can also view on Livestream and Facebook Live (you don’t need a Facebook account).
- Raising A Black Boy In America When You're Neither Black Nor American
- On Life As A Freckle-Faced, Redheaded, Mexican American From Southeast Los Angeles
- Lessons Learned While Being Black: 'I'll Never Be Above Scrutiny'
- The Hidden Cost Of Inherited Blackness
- Jogging While Black: 'And Still They Crossed The Street'
- Black And Tired In This American Newsroom
- Conflicted: A Black Journalist's Reckoning With Her Race, Family And Police Brutality
- How To Participate In Our Series
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