There are hacks you can try to get better at navigating SoCal without using GPS, courtesy of a spatial thinking expert.
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Low-income L.A. County residents could get up to $1,800 to use on Metro and other transportation services.
A key L.A. Olympics project is back on track and it’ll change travel for years to come.
Public chargers must be built at an unprecedented pace to meet the target in less than 7 years, and then doubled to 2 million in 2035. The high cost — $120,000 or more for one fast charger— is just one obstacle.
The terminal will welcome passengers back later this month after being closed for more than a year.
The hydrogen-powered hybrid train will run on Metrolink's Arrow line, which links San Bernardino and Redlands.
It’s years away, but L.A. Metro is considering its own potential pilot for congestion pricing.
LA Metro held its annual State of the Agency address Wednesday, highlighting infrastructure improvements and the creation of a new public safety department.
Metro will host several meetings this week and the next to gather public input on the project that would widen the freeway.
The Eastern Ave. road project is one of three in the works for the Eastside community, thanks to unspent money from the defunct 710 freeway extension project.
The moves come as Metrolink has been looking at how to attract more customers.
Catching a bus in Orange County just got much harder for those without a smartphone.
An estimated 5.4 million people will be traveling in L.A region over the next several days, creating heavy traffic. Here's some tips on how to travel smarter.
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