Superintendent Alberto Carvalho says the district has heard growing concern from staff, students and their families about the outcome of the presidential election.
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The Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education is getting a new website and wants the public’s help to shape it.
One incumbent, Tanya Ortiz Franklin, already held on to her District 7 seat. Three other school board races are headed to runoffs.
Floriculture blends science, sustainability, financial literacy, and creativity. At Sylmar Charter High, the school’s gardens also invite a rare moment of calm in a hectic high school day.
A lawsuit filed Tuesday seeks to end a new Los Angeles Unified policy that limits charter schools can be located in the district.
Voters approved $1 billion a year in new arts education funding, but there are questions about how districts are spending the money.
Hundreds of LAUSD buildings may still need to be retrofitted. How can you figure out if your kid's school is safe?
Officials say the new platform will be a one-stop shop for information about student grades, attendance and performance.
The union representing 35,000 Los Angeles Unified educators voted Monday night to withdraw its endorsement for Board District 1 candidate Kahllid Al-Alim.
Candidates endorsed by United Teachers Los Angeles have a significant edge — but a misstep can also be costly.
Los Angeles Unified School District Board candidate Kahllid Al-Alim apologized earlier this week for pre-campaign social media posts that endorsed assigning antisemitic literature to students, and for liking “graphic content.”
Kahllid Al-Alim, running in Board District 1, apologized Monday for pre-campaign social media posts. The controversy could scramble the district’s most crowded school board race.
The policy is intended to ease yearslong tensions from forcing traditional public schools to share space and resources with charter schools.
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