The story of Ted Ngoy and the community of Cambodian refugees behind every donut.
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Journalist Hadley Meares had written about LA’s extensive haunted history. But then she experienced it for herself.
For Filipino American History Month, we dig into the rich history of the Filipino communities of SoCal.
On Oct. 16, 1923, Margaret Winkler agreed to produce and distribute Alice Comedies, a new series by Walt Disney. That contract is considered the founding document of The Walt Disney Company.
Looking back at 100 years of history.
As Labor Hall of Honor inductees, the group of more than 70 Thai garment workers will share recognition with the likes of Cesar Chavez and Eugene V. Debs.
Councilmember Traci Park, who introduced the motion, said if the council failed to act on Friday, the home could be lost as early as the afternoon.
Labor historian Caroline Luce says L.A. was once an anti-union town. This summer, it's been on the frontlines of a labor resurgence.
In the new book "Hollywood Signs: The Golden Age of Glittering Graphics and Glowing Neon," author and graphic designer Kathy Kikkert takes readers on a visual journey through Hollywood, celebrating the vintage and vibrant signs that have come and gone (and many that remain).
Now, around 2,000 of them roam the city everyday.
Hurricane Hilary is poised to dump several inches of rain on L.A. this weekend. It could also go down in history as the first tropical storm to make landfall here since 1939.
A plaque will be placed to recognize a safe place in the 1950s for gender non-conforming Angelenos.
Garfield High School unveiled a plaque honoring the legacy of the student protests.
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