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Lake Forest, located in South Orange County, boasts many restaurants specializing in international cuisine. We've previewed some for you on your next trip down south.
Casey Shea has been trying breakfast burritos around Los Angeles and documenting her journey on Instagram.
Ouchi has opened sushi restaurants worldwide, but it wasn’t until he came to Los Angeles that he had the radical idea to start serving locally caught fish.
The nonprofit behind the longstanding Hollywood neighborhood staple, and several other farmers' markets in Greater L.A., is launching a fundraiser to keep them open.
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It’s summertime and it's hot out, so why not grab a drink to cool you down? We found three spots whose menus invite you to try something new.
Can artificial intelligence make a tastier chocolate chip cookie recipe than a human being? NPR recruited American Test Kitchen to experiment and taste test.
L.A. icon Clifton’s is being brought back to life. Starting this weekend, the famed downtown location will slowly begin opening back up to the public.
Pizza fans and fast food nostalgia fans rejoice: The former site of Arby’s on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood is now serving pizza via drive-thru till Halloween.
After the untimely deaths of two LA culinary standouts, these food pros are on a mission to spread the word about free mental health therapy
The biggest winner Monday night was Los Angeles Chef Jordan Kahn, who took home honors in three different categories.
Remembering the Japanese convenience store chain that tried — and failed — to crack Los Angeles.
A co-op in Glassell Park combats food waste and encourages community.
For the first time in years, people are buying more groceries, including pricier brands, to replace restaurant outings.
It's fighting talk, but LAist associate food editor Gab Chabrán says his hometown's combo of newcomers making waves and old timers making faves hits the spot.
Going out to eat becomes a whole different ballgame when you introduce kids into the picture. Here are some of the best kid-friendly restaurants in Southern California, according to LAist readers and listeners.
From Egyptian cuisine to Yemeni dishes, from lolling on sofas to takeout at food trucks, go on a multi-national gastronomic adventure.
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