Brianna Lee
I build relationships with people who have a stake in our reporting, and find creative new ways to reach our audiences. As part of our Civics & Democracy team, I focus on making local government and elections accessible, and highlighting all the ways people can flex their individual power to make change in their communities. If you've ever used Voter Game Plan to help fill out your ballot, chances are you've used a guide that I wrote (especially if it's for an obscure, down-ballot office).
Previously, I spent four years as our newsroom’s social media lead, spearheading social strategy and engaging audiences on our digital platforms. I love comics and zines, and am always looking for ways to incorporate them into our journalism.
Before working here, I wrote about immigration and international affairs for the International Business Times, Council on Foreign Relations and WNET in New York City. I’m originally from San Francisco, but am not really into the whole NorCal vs. SoCal thing.
I love all of the Asian food in Los Angeles. All of it.
La evaluación de los candidatos judiciales es notoriamente difícil, pero hay alguna información que puede consultar para ayudarle con su decisión.
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¿Debería permitirse a los departamentos municipales vender comida? ¿Debería permitirse a la comisión aeroportuaria fijar tarifas para el transporte terrestre en el aeropuerto de Los Ángeles? Este grupo de enmiendas a la carta pretende aclarar y actualizar las normas sobre el funcionamiento de la ciudad.
¿Debería el Contralor de la Ciudad poder auditar a los contratistas? ¿Deberían los comisionados del puerto ser de vecindarios específicos? Esta mezcolanza de enmiendas a los estatutos tiene como objetivo aclarar las reglas que han causado confusión o establecer nuevas reglas para abordar problemas.
Evaluating judicial candidates is notoriously hard, but there are a few pieces of information you can look at to help with your decision.
Los Angeles City Council member Heather Hutt is fending off a challenge from Grace Yoo.
Should city departments be allowed to sell food? Should the airport commission be allowed to set fees for ground transportation at LAX? This group of charter amendments is meant to clarify and update rules on city operations.
Should the City Controller be able to audit contractors? Should harbor commissioners be from specific neighborhoods? This hodgepodge of charter amendments is meant to clarify rules that have caused confusion or to set new rules to address problems.
Current Councilmember Paul Krekorian can’t run again because of term limits. Candidates Jillian Burgos and Adrin Nazarian are facing off for the seat.
A committee to support Kevin de León's race for reelection is spending money to support three state propositions, but it also helps get his name in front of voters.